Canada Today

by Pocket ApP

News & Magazines


To read or flip through the latest newspapers or magazines, in French or in English, Canada Today is a quick and easy way to read the most popular newspapers in Canada on Android..Characteristics:- Personally manage newspapers and sources- Favorites- Other news sources can be added via RSS and podcast- Share your news via email, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and more.- Last 24 hoursYou can use the following newspaper sources and magazines:1- Newspapers :A - Journaux quotidiens québécois.Le Devoir. Le Journal de Montréal. The Gazette. Le Journal de quebec. La PresseB - Journaux quotidiens albertains. Calgary Herald. Edmonton JournalC -Journaux quotidiens ontariens. Ottawa Citizen. The Toronto StarD -Journaux quotidiens britanno-colombiens et manitobains. Vancouver Sun. Winnipeg Free PressE -Grands quotidiens nationaux anglophones. The Globe and Mail. The National Post2- Magazines:- Châtelaine- Coup de Pouce- Elle Québec- LActualité